Games Gear
Get into the spirit! Games branded apparel and souvenirs are a great way to show your enthusiasm and support. A portion of proceeds go back into the community to support Special Olympics programs. Check back often - new items are being added.

Games Volunteer
Ensure an exceptional Games experience for thousands of visitors from across the country by sharing your time and your talent.
We’re looking for over 1,200 Games-time volunteers to help create a welcoming environment that will inspire everyone who visits Calgary to create lasting memories—and a legacy of inclusive change for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Friends of the Games
Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Calgary 2024 could not be successful without support from individuals, companies, and organizations who are invested in creating an exceptional athlete experience at the Games while leaving a lasting imprint through our Legacy Program.
For more information on sponsorship packages, please contact us at info@socwg2024.com
Cash donations can be made through Special Olympics Canada in support of Calgary 2024. A tax receipt for cash donations will be issued through Special Olympics Canada (if applicable).
Get involved with Special Olympics Canada
Established in 1969, the Canadian chapter of this international movement is dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability through the transformative power and joy of sport.

About Special Olympics Canada
In Canada, more than 41,000 children, youth and adults with an intellectual disability participate in programs run with the support of local sport clubs across 12 provincial and territorial Chapters. They are supported by an extraordinary network of more than 17,500 volunteers - Canadians who are committed to help accomplish something remarkable.

Register an Athlete
All Special Olympics athletes need to be registered with a Provincial or Territorial Special Olympics Chapter. To register yourself or a family member as a new Special Olympics athlete, please visit Special Olympics Canada’s website:

Become a SOC volunteer
Volunteers are the backbone of the Special Olympics movement. They are coaches, trainers, officials, event organizers, fundraisers, and managers. They can also be unified partners -- playing alongside athletes with intellectual disabilities -- or fans cheering in the stands.